Google Snows

Recently Google has been playing with the power of CSS3, js and what not.
They earlier did a ‘do a Barrel Roll‘ play with Google Search, but behold the latest entrant!

Keeping with the holiday spirits, Google now snows when you look out for ‘let it snow

and behold the Holiday Spirit in the form of snow falling all over your page

and soon it fulls the whole page with a thick layer of snowy-ice!

Sometimes you just need something as simple as a Defrost button to get rid of the accumulated ice! Only if life was as simple to defrost! 🙂

Enjoy the holiday season!
God BLeSS!!

Have Fun!!

P. S. I have been a’s snowy part since last year, and I am sure snow was available a year before that too! Great to see Google join in the holiday fever!

define beere

I was trying a way to define ‘beera’ and ‘beere’ as used in Punjabi.
I did a bit (read a lot) of Google search to find a place where it would be clearly defined, and I could link to it then. But there was none.

So I decided to do the honours myself.

beere | bēereɪ |
and beera | bēerä |

defined as a personal play of words on veere | vēereɪ | and veera | vēerä | respectively done by maaNaa.
The original words veere and veera mean ‘Brother’ or more appropriately ‘Bro’ in Punjabi.

Feel free to add an -s after it, to make it plural.
Its not an official word.
Kindly adjust!

Test for Picasa Auto-Embed

Just going to try it out with my G+ Tag Cloud


Image via Wikipedia

Linking the URL from awesome bar:

OR the embed shortcode

OR direct link from PicasaWeb

OR Embed code from Picasa

From blog

define Beera

I was trying a way to define ‘beera’ and ‘beere’ as used in Punjabi.
I did a bit (read a lot) of Google search to find a place where it would be clearly defined, and I could link to it then. But there was none.

So I decided to do the honours myself.

From blog

beere | bēereɪ |
and beera | bēerä |

defined as a personal play of words on veere | vēereɪ | and veera | vēerä | respectively done by maaNaa.
The original words veere and veera mean ‘Brother’ or more appropriately ‘Bro’ in Punjabi.

Feel free to add an -s after it, to make it plural.
Its not an official word.
Kindly adjust!

Google Dictionary vs. WordWeb



Image via Wikipedia

I have a WordWeb Dictionary (based on WordNet from Princeton) installed on my laptop for easy references.

While looking for a new ‘Site Title’ for my Blog, I wanted to get into depth of meaning of Asinine and Linchpin, for I wanted a play on one of those or both.

But my first (default) choice of getting the meaning was Google Dictionary (define in Google takes you to dictionary), instead of the installed WordWeb.

I only went to WordNet when my internet connection went slow a few times.

I realised the reason I used Google Dictionary was because it offered to correct a spelling I might have spelled wrong while typing a word rather than declaring out-and-out that there is no such word!

Thank You Google for that!